Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Texas lege gun debate (update)

A friend wrote and told me that the proposed legislation to allow students to carry guns on campus only applies to those with permits to carry concealed weapons and who are 21 or over. 

I find little comfort in these limitations. 

There are more than 40,000 students at the University of Texas--possibly 50,000 or more--haven't checked lately--but that's a big enough population for gun toters to achieve a kind of critical mass--especially since many or most of those students come from gun totin' Texas in the first place...

BTW, in the past I've done some hunting--not much, but more than Mitt Romney.   I also used to enjoy target shooting.  I'm not oppposed to gun ownership, per se--I just think it should be carefully regulated. 

Off the top of my head, there's something a little illogical about giving people permits to carry CONCEALED  weapons.  If you're aiming for deterrence, wouldn't requiring visibility make more sense?  I dunno. I'm just sayin'--as the kids say.


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