Sunday, December 19, 2010

From Barr. Wilson Matata.

With all due respect.
Do accept my sincere apologies if this mail does not meet your personal ethics, My name is Wilson Matata and an attorney by profession, I am contacting you in order to ask for your assistance on this confidential business proposal with full financial benefit for both me and you. Before I go into further details, please be informed that I am writing without any other person(s) pre-knowledge of my contacting you on this transaction. Therefore I will appreciate same attitude to be maintained by you all through. in my quest to find a reliable trustee to manage the assets/estate of my late client valued at only US$11,000,000.00 (Eleven Million United States Dollars), I contacted you and it is the only reason why you are receiving this email from me. I shall be willing to supply you with more detailed information concerning this business project upon hearing back from you.
I have no intention whatsoever to delve into your private life considering the fact that you have never had any communication with me in the past, but due to the nature of this business project based on the fact that I lack the locus-stand to assume the role of the trustee or appoint any of my relation to become the trustee by virtue of the facts and circumstances surrounding this project, I am left with no other choice, but to carry out a discreet search for a reputable person outside the shores of my country and consequently seek your stewardship.
If you wish to render your selfless service, but very rewarding, do provide me with your telephone numbers and home address via email. I shall provide you with more detailed information upon hearing back from you. Thank you, all inconvenience is regretted.
Best regards,
Barr Wilson Matata.
Principal Partner

Friday, December 10, 2010

What I kinda wish was true...

that Obama's tax deal flops and the Bush tax cuts expire. It would be against
our immediate self-interest (not to mention the unemployed), but as Krugman and
others have pointed out (in Daily Kos and elsewhere), the Democrats will be
exchanging present hostages to the Republicans in return for giving up still
more hostages down the line. The Republican plan is to make the tax cuts
permanent in 2012 (and campaign on the issue) and if they secure the tax cuts,
they will then start hollering about the necessity of cutting social security
and other so-called entitlements out of their immense faux concern for the

(BTW, as grateful as I am for Krugman's insightful columns, at one point I
believe he supported a payroll social security tax holiday as part of a stimulus
package & for me & that's the real sticking point for me in the Obama tax
deal--now I guess it's one of the sticking points for him too. Back in the
day, Krugman was also a free trade proponent although he now considers such
discussions an academic luxury of sorts. But Krugman is okay. For one thing he
likes my favorite sci fi guy, Charles Stross)

So one partially hopes that Bernie Sanders takes it upon himself to block the
bill until the clock runs out on the tax deal--individual Republican Senators do
it all the time so I don't see why he can't. And the bill is hardly revenue
neutral so it can be filibustered. In the foregoing dream scenario, Bernie
blocks the bill even though he may be risking his Senate career and the
Republicans take the heat from Obama and the other Dems for refusing a
middle-class tax cut, attempting to monkey with social security, and laying
waste to the millions of unemployed. Meanwhile, the economy continues to
improve to the point that the public perception is that things are getting
better and the Republicans are battered again at the polls in 2012. But above
all, it would be nice if the Left in the Democratic Party could demonstrate (for
once) that they cannot be taken for granted by the party leadership. Sometimes
I believe the position of the Left with the Democrats is rather like that of the
anti-abortionists and family values crowd vis a vis the Republicans--useful at
the polls but ignored in practice otherwise.

But, as the Marines say, hope is not a plan. I have finally to believe that
Obama's deal will go through because the unemployed desperately need for it to
go through.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dear Sir / Madam Please read.

Dear Sir / Madam Please read.

It is my sincere pleasure at this moment to exhibit my total trust bestowed on you in accordance to my Proposed partnership relationship with you of which I am fully convinced that you will really welcome my partnership with you in this transaction Being very sceptical about dealing with Africans in such transaction, Ranging from the height of fraudulent activities encompassing the African communities. Now it is my Godly nursed intention to prove myself to you that I am very much different from others which you must have come across.

I hereby attested my accepted conclusion to take upon my gentle self and to join hands together to cover any unforeseen expenses that may be involved here till the Final Transfer of the Funds to our Correspondent Bank before its Final remittance into your Nominated Bank Account.

This is to convince you of my spirited acceptance to have you as a confidant in a business of this magnitude knowing that you will not turn me down come-what-may, regarding this Claim/Transfer to boost my planned establishment of a funding Company out of Africa . In other Words, I went into a more concrete arrangement in couriering to your doorstep, a total of US$10.5Million Dollars through INTER-BANK TRANSFER. This amount of Money belongs to our Deceased Customer as there were no claims over this Dormant Balance Account for a period of many Years.

Therefore, I am in need of a Reliable Partner that would come forward to put claims over the Funds for its Transfer into his/her Foreign Bank Account. This is because I am the Director of Foreign Remittance Department of my Bank for secures Transfer of these Funds without any Hindrances.

All I am expecting from you, as a matter of greatest urgency and importance is your sincerity and Honesty as I have some of the Needed Legal Documents to prove that this Business is Lawful for its onward Remittance. I urgently want you to send all the demanded Personal Information's below to me as soon as you receive this PROPOSAL in order to show your readiness and Willingness in this Proposed Business.


1) Your Full Name.......................... ...
2) Your Age........................... ............
3) Your Mobile and Home Phone Number…………..
4) Your Fax Number……………….....
5) Your Country of Nationality………………............. .
6) Your Occupation.................... ........
7) Sex........................... .....................
8) ALTERNATIVE E-MAIL ADDRESS / ........................

Finally, you have to keep this Proposal confidential and secret from your Relations, Partners and Colleagues for our success in this Transaction as the basis of this Business is Secrecy. I promise you that I would protect your Personal Interest as this Business is 100% risk-free.Therefore, I want you to express your interest to engage in this Business with me because your share is 40% of the Funds in Question so that I can send to you the TEXT OF APPLICATION which you have to Fill and send to the E-mail Address of the Bank.
I look forward for your immediate Positive response.

My regards to you and the family,
Haji Azizs Yusuf
Tele 0022678430122

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why arsenic in the news made me happy

NASA's announcement of the discovery of a microorganism that can substitute
arsenic for phosphorus in the amino acids that make up DNA thrilled me no end.

There are also extremophiles in the ocean depths that can, for example, harvest
the energy from naturally occurring background radiation from uranium compounds.

Wiki has a extensive article on speculations about the possibility of life based
on elements other than carbon, including, as a matter of fact, certain forms of
uranium and lead, not to mention the old sci fi standby, silicon-based life

As I have mentioned, I frequently check an astrobiology blog called "What's New
in Cosmic Ancestry"

I betcha that some time during my life they are in fact going to find some
indication--if not outright proof--that there are non-carbon-based life forms.

To paraphrase J.B.S. Haldane, the Universe is not only more fecund than we
imagine, it is more fecund than we *can* imagine.
