Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chris Matthews: An appreciation

He finally said something interesting--maybe even mildly subversive: Whereas,
pretty much "everybody" presently agrees that Quadaffi is criminally insane,
where has "everybody" been the past 40 years?

I wonder what everybody will be saying when the House of Saud goes down? (This
last is my remark)


Insanity in the Texas Lege Redux

Once again the Texas Legislature is poised to pass legislation that would permit
carrying firearms on college campuses.

I live near the University of Texas campus.

The idea of a bunch of hard-partying students having ready access to
weapons--not to mention hard-partying frat rats--is...nervous-making.

It's fucking crazy is what it is. The Republican legislators need to wipe the
cowshit off their shoes--or maybe clean it out of their brains.



Friday, February 11, 2011

Good for Egypt.--revolution in the West? Nah.

Perhaps the U.S. could have done better in the situation, but it is a certainty
it could have done far worse.

I believe it is possible our great-grandchildren or perhaps *their* children
might see something like what we could consider to be an international order
consisting mostly of acceptably democratic socialist states...or cultures...or

It may be that many of the countries and regions that are now in the catbird
seat--even those like China we now consider as up-and-coming--will become
relative backwaters, (That could become literally true if the Far Right in
this country and other political forces elsewhere contrive to block sufficient
amelioration of global warming and its effects)

I don't know if anything can happen quicker in the more technologically advanced
and nominally democratic societies. It seems to me that if a political
establishment can manage to make a sufficient number of people reasonably
comfortable then the calculus will always be against "revolution," whether
peaceful or violent. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Assuming people in the U.S, are not much worse off economically than they are
now, is it possible to imagine any realistic scenario that would turn the
citizens out in the U.S. out in the street against the status quo in such
numbers (as in Egypt) that the status quo would be undone or even threatened? I



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