Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oliver Stone's movie, South of the Border...

I haven't seen it yet, but I am very much looking forward to it. 
The mainstream media's vilification of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has never really let up & I'm surprised we don't hear more about what a demon Evo Morales is.  The vilification is especially bad on the cable news shows, even apart from Fox.   (Rick Sanchez has exceeded Chris Matthews as the most irritating avatar of the Instantaneous Conventional Wisdom--but I digress). 
While I "enjoyed"--if that's the word--Stone's movie,  JFK, I thought bringing together a mish-mash of conspiracy theories the way he did was a disservice to history.  (Like many armchair political philosophers,  I had my own ideas about who the Bad Guys were and ought to be, but I concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was pretty much who the Warren Commission said he was.  As for all the apparent anomalies--the incredible marksmanship, for example, well, I would say that sometimes a mediocrity under the pressure of an existential decision to change history can have his (or her) powers focused to a stellar degree that enables the act to proceed as planned..)
I became a convinced Chavista after watching the documentary, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.   A group of Irish filmmakers--and they may have had a political agenda, but I don't know precisely what it was--planned to make the documentary simply by following Chavez around during his routines and interviewing him and his associates.  But this was in 2002 and what happened was that the filmmakers were trapped with Chavez in the Presidential Palace during the April coup.  They elected to stay in the palace when they could have left and the result was I think the most riveting political documentary I've ever seen. 
All this is by way of an intro to saying that based on what's said below, Stone and his associates have really done their homework on this one. 
The New York Times, as per usual  with this sort of thing,  attempted a hatchet job on South of the Border.  Stone and his associates replied:

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