Friday, June 11, 2010

Dog leads...

I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend helping Teresa re-arrange the house to accommodate our student boarder (daughter Claire), who will be staying with us for her first year graduate studies before she goes down to Port Aransas at the UT Marine Science Institute.  But if I have time, I got two dawgs to check out.  There's "Charlie" a pointer/red heeler mix, and "Hampton," a Newfoundland/Lab mix.  (A red heeler, BTW, is a kind of Australian cattle dog--thank God for Wikipedia) 
Info about Charlie's originary breeds would suggest that he might be a bit too lively, but his foster mother says that as an individual, he's pretty laid back.  Charlie is sorta off-white with reddish markings here and there.  He weighs about 50 pounds. 
Hampton is at the Animal Shelter in Leander, TX.  I was told by shelter staff (who are always brutally honest, of course) that Hampton has the laid-back termperament of the Newfoundland.  I didn't ask, but from the picture it looks like he don't have the drooly mouth.  Size-wise, Hampton  is all a body could hope for in a dawg--and more.  Hampton, in fact, looks like an over-sized black Lab.  In fact, don't ask how much he weighs. 
If I get Hampton, I would like to train him to eat the guy who goes around slashing tires in the neighborhood.  Well, we all have our dreams.

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