Thursday, January 25, 2007

The unwatched SOTU

I couldn't stand to watch Bush deliver his cornpone agitprop on behalf of his utopia for the extremely rich, the very white, and the excessively lucky. Frederic Jameson in so many words points out that everyone is a utopian, and generates a utopia in his or her head according to the class to which he or she belongs or aspires to join. Everybody knows that his or her respective utopia can at best only be partially realized, but some are in a better position than others in their attempts to realize it.

I don't believe that conventional liberals are in any way a front for real world Communists, Socialists, Marxists, et al; but one of the redeeming qualities of mere liberals is that most yearn for it to be possible to have fellowship with absolutely anybody at all, should they want to do so. This is a preconscious presumption for equality and access to others than could only actually exist in the context of a classless society.

I will try and continue this thought in the next post unless something urgent pre-empts it.

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