Saturday, January 20, 2007

Libraries are my temple

Politicians who don't support libraries are in a category only slightly above book burners--in my book.

Andrew Carnegie, despite his many other sins against the common good, is now in heaven for helping to initiate the municipal library system.

I wish I knew what circle Dante put folks who are guilty of sacrilege.

Even wicked books, such as Mein Kampf, should be available for intellectual autopsy. And banning books only empowers them beyond the influence they might ordinarily have.

Thanks to the public library system, I believe many a poor lad and lass have read themselves right out of the constrictions of poverty, race and class. I believe that the public library enabled me to do so. (To be honest, my constrictions were primarily of class--though poor I probably only missed one day without a meal.)

The library is also one of the few relatively commerce-free zones left in our society.

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