Monday, January 22, 2007

Dresden Files

Dresden Files premiered on the Sci Fi channel last night. It was not as engaging as I had hoped, yet I thought the series showed promise. After the characters from Jim Butcher's over-the-top urban fantasy novels are properly introduced, as well as the rules of his notion of the Otherwhere , I think it will find at least a niche following. I'll probably watch it semi-regurlarly unless it really goes down hill.

Characterization and settings are pretty faithful--although they changed the wizard's VW to a jeep & Murphy in the books, if I recall correctly, is a short, pugnacious blonde Irish person. She's an auburn-brunette on TV and seems tallish.

I don't feel like politics today--none of the Democrats who have announced their candidacy who have a chance would be a bad president although I've already decided on Edwards. I'm going to await Bush's doubtless miserable State of the Union address before adding any more political comments.

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