Thursday, May 9, 2013

Abreaction cast as an exorcism

An Exorcism
By the power of the Earth that nourishes all the souls of the biosphere
By the power of the Air that inspires all those self-same souls
By the power of the Water that sustains them
And the power of the Fire that warms them
And by the Power even greater than these
I command you,
Miasmic spirits who have strayed from your proper sphere
To depart in haste from certain bodies and souls;
For you are vile in our nostrils
Even as eggs left too long in the sun;
Or flesh left to the mercy of flies so as to become a nest for maggots;
And as your taint befouls
Both the City of God and the City of  Human Beings;
Depart hence for those environs beyond the Air to dwell amidst the darkness between the stars that is your proper Home;
Leave you now the bodies and souls of James Inhofe, Tom Coburn, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, John Boehner, Lindsay Graham,  John Mccain, Paul Ryan,  Eric Cantor, and all their minions, known and unknown, and, yes, all their mentors, known and unknown;
So that they may again be innocent and teachable babes, ready to hear and learn the wisdom of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and all their ilk that we know as the very souls and embodiments of Truth and the Best of the American Way;
For the Cost otherwise will exceed consuming Fires that burn all the wealth of all your tools, Winds that topple all their towers,  Earthquakes that powder their bones,  Floods that will swamp their souls and leave you, O, Dubious Spirits, Homeless and Bereft, far from your Places in the Comfort of the Eternal Dark…

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