Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just this once, Digby--please be wrong

"Update: Ronald Brownstein tells us (on Hardball)that he always felt that Obama's weakness was that he didn't have a fiscal responsibility element of his platform. Because, you know, you have to be willing to cut taxes for millionaires or else you aren't fiscally responsible.

He also pointed out that in April 2001, the senate pared back Bush's tax cuts but he got some of them all back in conference so Obama could get some of the money put back into the bill before the end.

Does anyone believe that this congress will be able to do that --- even though the Dems have 18 more senators and dozens more congressmen than the Republicans had in 2001? I don't."

(Me writing now).  How many of these effing Blue Dogs are there any way?   Does Senator Reid belong to phylum chordata?  Is Senator Nelson fit for anything--especially survival?  These questions keep me awake to the point I have to soothe myself with scenarios of boiling cauldrons &  Rush Limbaugh &  Mitch Mcconell & John Boehner & David Brooks & yes, Chris Matthews...


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