Monday, August 27, 2012

May the symmetry be broken...because it is...

But don't tell Ramesh Ponneru of the National Review & Bloomberg News...In the link below he writes what purports to be a parody of excessive partisanship, apparently on the part of both sides, but nevertheless aimed a bit more at the left/liberal, IMAO...(I'm thinking of the remarks about that one cable news channel...)

I would not address the one or two conservatives on this list in quite such a caustic & personal tone, but his fictional ranter otherwise expresses what is pretty much my opinion of the current Republican Party & conservative movement leadership, and as such is as close to absolute objective truth as it is possible to get in politics.  Moreover, it is difficult for me not to believe that a conservative who entertains the same sentiments toward the left/liberal side is either in bad faith or totally delusional.  

Ponneru evidently believes that both sides ARE morally equivalent in holding to such firm views & partisanship is a BAD thing.  But IMAO that it is only a bad thing when it is done by the Right.   Doubtless, he would be cute and suggest that I'm simply proving his point.    But like ALL partisans on the Right he is simply WRONG.

Taking refuge in pseudo-objectivity is a common tactic on the Right & affirming a position that is somehow "above politics" is a hallmark of that politics that tends toward the fascistic...


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