Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Glass Not Empty...I guess...

That's the most optimism I can summon in the aftermath of the Sherrod firing.  She gets an apology from the Obama Administration and her job back, if she wants it.  I mean "optimism" in the context of some kind of response to the right wing lie machine--it's better than nothing at all, but only just.  
But you would  think that the Obama Administration (and the Congressional Democrats) would have learned something in the aftermath of the ACORN pseudo-scandal concocted by the proteges of this same creature, Andrew Breitbart, a right-wing, scum-sucking, slime-dwelling, bottom feeding, psychopathic, slug-brained, piece of ambulatory proto-fascist chickenshit, who's already proven himself to be a deliberate purveyer of convoluted wingnut lies & fabrications.  (I don't think "psychopathic" is hyperbole, either.  Breitbart must know he's a lying sack of shit.  No psychologically healthy person could live with that level of cognitive dissonance.  And that applies to all the talking heads on Fox News, with the possible exception of Shep Smith)
Keith Olbermann called out the Obama Administration tonight--and everybody else--in his special comment.  It was pretty scathing . 
Thing is, this is the first instance that I can recall in the past few years where an injustice of this sort perpetrated by the wingnut media has been rectified in any way at all.  It's understandable that would be the case under George W., but the Obama Administration (and the Congressional Democrats) have already let several go by without much remark at all. Or so it seems to me.   
If the Obama Administration wants to stay above the fray, couldn't they at least discreetly encourage the DNC to set up some kind of war room to vet that kind of right wing emesis before they jump on somebody with all four feet?  

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