Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Killer squid was a good beginning

for the month of August, but it seems to have died away.  God, what I wouldn't give for a humongous UFO flap to take the media's attention off the laughable yet ominous town hall "protests"...

Or if the Mars Rover could find clear evidence of alien artifacts on the Red Planet.  (In that case, perhaps somebody could start up an engaging conspiracy theory about how NASA got Hollywood to fake the Martian probes and all the photographs...)

Oh.  An inspiration.

Lefties should start showing up at the townhall meeting loudly demanding that the government release all the information about the treaty that the U.S. Government has made with the Grays (you know, the little gray aliens with the huge insectoid eyes...). 

At the very least, it would be interesting to see how many of the "birthers" and the "deathers" would chime in...


P.S. Let me reassure you.  There are no little grey aliens.  Actually, the aliens resemble blonde Swedes & are dressed in shining white robes. 

P.P.S. Or maybe George Soros could rent a fleet of unmarked black helicopters to hover in the vicinity of the town hall meetings...

P.P.P.S. Oh, well, I guess the possibilities are manifold.

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