Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Teabagging Parties: A Salute to Terry Pratchett?

Well, an unconscious one, no doubt.   I believe that Pratchett is the only satirist who could have come up with a fiction to match the events these "parafascists" are planning.   
(For those of you who are luckless enough not to know, Pratchett's Discworld exists in an alternate universe in which the world (Discworld) rides on the back of a gigantic turtle swimming in intergalactic space...The main city is Ankh Morpork, which perhaps has a slight resemblance to late medieval or early Renaissance London...in Discworld magic is real and wizards receive their training at an institution known as Unseen University...A Captain Vimes is the head of the police force (known as the Guard)...he has been forced by an affirmative action program to hire trolls, a werewolf, dwarves and several other non-human types...he's not really terribly prejudiced against most, though he does have a bit of a problem with accepting the Undead...he is a plain man, but he is married to an aristocrat who is a breeder and fancier of dragons...I could go on, but you get my drift...)

I can only hope there is no tragedy or violence to mar these events so that I can enjoy the unintended comedy with a clear conscience. 


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