Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I feel the earth move under my feet...

Arlen Specter has joined the Democrats!  True, it IS Arlen Specter.  Whom I trust about as far as I can throw a bull-sized rat by its tail.  He's been a blowhard on both sides of several major issues, but almost always came down on the side of the Bush Rethugs. 

He reversed himself on EFCA (card check) out of fear of the primary challenge from Pat Toomey, wingnut extraordinaire.  Now he won't have labor's support as he goes for the Democratic nomination.  I guess he could dog whistle covert support by suggesting that while he would vote against EFCA, he would vote not to filibuster it.  Out of deference for the wishes of the majority. Or something. 

Anyway, if Franken gets seated in June, the Dems will have their magic 60--except, of course, it's not all it's cracked up to be.  But it might prove to be handy, now and then.  I wish Reid wuz a little more--make that a lot more--like the character Curly in the movie City Slickers.  (That was my father's nickname also & there was a subtle temperamental resemblance there...)



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