Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Somebody tell the Social Darwinians in the Republican party

I don't trust any metaphors drawn from biology and applied to human culture, but this is interesting.  (I suppose really it's more of a game theory observation--game theory also has its limitations, but still this is interesting)
Survival Of The Weakest? Cyclical Competition Of Three Species Favors Weakest As Victor
Come to think of it this reminds me of how Lincoln won the Republican nomination in 1860. 
There were two very strong contenders for the nomination and Lincoln was a distant third.  Each of the strong contenders were able to deny the nomination to the other without being able to prevail.  What Lincoln did was to go around the floor of the convention and get assurances from both factions that he would be the second choice if their guy was not able to prevail...and he did. 


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