I've just read Krugman's take on the inadequacies of the proposed stimulus plan & I think now would be the time for everybody who has a potentially responsive Senator & representative to urge them not only to pass this piss-poor stimulus plan (as a niggling start), but to urge their Democratic Senators, if they have any, to do away with the effing filibuster. I know that in the past it has occasionally been used to good effect by the Democrats to block an especially obnoxious Supreme Court appointment, but by and large, the Democrats do not use the filibuster effectively, and the Republicans do. If and when the Republicans regain the majority and get Caligua appointed to the Supreme Court, the Democrats can take it to the masses with at least as much effect as they have wielded the filibuster in years past...The Democrats have (and have long had) the bulk of public opinion on their side with respect to the issues. If they would start
behaving like a mass party, maybe THEY could put together that Rovian semi-permanent majority...
Obama's supporters, if he can mobilize them, may be that mass party.
I get his emails. I'm going to do stuff. I gave money for Howard Dean and Obama & actually did stuff for Howard Dean. Now I'm going to do stuff for Obama.
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