Thursday, August 2, 2012

Contra Cruz

 Here's Paul Sadler, the Dem who will face Ted Cruz in November.  He won a runoff against Grady Yarborough, a black Democrat.

Sadler has the good-ol'-boy Texas bullshit down pat.  In this case, I have to say, that's a plus.   He was a pretty conservative Democrat from East Texas but he has, like Obama, (mostly) "evolved."  This is a *very* hopeful thing.  He has, unlike many Democrats, figured out that if you run as a faux Republican against a real Republican, the real Republican will win almost every time.  On the down side:  I don't think he has got a pot to piss in--that is, he got no money.   (Sadler is also trying to pander to the artificially induced public anxiety about the national debt--Democrats *still* need to get over that.)  

I believe that if he got a big enough infusion of that Jewish-Commie-banker-Illuminati-George-Soros-type cash, he could actually beat Cruz, but I'm not too optimistic.  Guess I will check out what (if anything) (or AVAAZ) is planning to do about the race.  One thing:  complaints about "outside money" and "outsiders" intervening in the election won't mean jackshit, given what came in to support Cruz. 

Writers in Daily Kos have been reduced to hoping that a good many conservatives will simply stay home on election day because they don't want to vote for anybody with a Hispanic surname.  (Hah!  And lose a chance to vote against guy)

I can't document what follows off the top of my head, but I know it can be done because insurance companies do something similar all the time:   If  Tea Party policies supported by the likes of Ted Cruz were actually enacted, the real world effects would mean 100's of thousands of people dying prematurely, many of them children.  

In my less charitable moments, I feel that the rich thugs, their enablers,  and the politicians who are their avatars, who promote such vicious policies taint the very air by breathing it.  

I get most of my news from the Internet and so I only saw this a few minutes ago on the Burnt Orange Report (BOR) blog:  The *Austin American Statesman*  ENDORSED Ted Cruz in the runoff between Cruz and Dewhurst.   Why?  Because Dewhurst is "as interesting as a jar of sand" and knows it, so he was ducking the media and this pissed off the editorial writers of the *Statesman*--who then blithely endorsed the political thug Cruz.  (See "enablers," above).  


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