I thought the Greek fascists, the Golden Dawn, were ridiculous to have a anti-immigrant stance since I was under the impression that it was unlikely there were many immigrants in Greece. What I did not know is that Greece has a large population of immigrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Golden Dawn also has begun physically attacking leftist politicians. Media opinion seems to be that they have unmasked themselves as extremists and they will be obliterated in the coming elections--after surging from .46% to 7% in the last election. Well, one hopes. What a mess.
There's a fascist or near-fascist government in Hungary now and Paul Krugman & Chris Hayes seem to be among the few U.S. media figures who have noticed.
And I feel kind of gloomy about the failure of the Scott Walker recall effort. I believe the Forces of Evil have a game plan to destroy the power of the public employee unions first--because they are among the most vital elements of the labor movement at present--and then they will proceed to abolish the right to strike. From there, it could *really* go downhill.
Still, I have a difficult time believing we will return to the era of 12 hour-days, poorhouses and child labor, but then I had difficulty believing that George Bush could be elected President.
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