Thursday, May 5, 2011

Re: No Second Childhood for Me!

I read some version of this a while ago and have been pushing my intake ever since. Did you see this? I can't vouch for the method, but the results make sense. It is vindicating but hardly consoling that Krugman comes out on top, since he thinks we're going to hell in a hand-basket, but my greater pleasure is that Friedman is down near the bottom. Even if he were predicting the weather, I would find his portentousness unbearable. 

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Roy Griffin <> wrote:
Although some in my real-time reference group are probably willing to suggest I
have merely prolonged my first one.

Every great once in a while, somebody drags out a study that shows coffee is bad

for you.  It is invariably later contradicted by a later study.

I had heard the below before, but this is icing on the cake.  I'm down to about
five or six a day.   All my habits, good and bad, seem to have weakened their
grip.  I hope I'm drinking enough.


P.S.  I wonder if anybody has checked the Alzheimer rates in Brazil.   I read
once that there folks drink an average of about 15 cups per day.

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