Congressional leadership to the effect that they would be unable to lie.
("Geas" is Irish for "curse," "hex," "spell," "supernatural obligation," etc.)
Then Paul Ryan announced the Republican plan for the budget--thereby revealing
the True Essence of Republican politics and putting them in the...soup.
So. My geas worked. Didn't it?
(Perhaps I should add another that Republican presidential contenders would
forever be unable to tell the full truth about Obama's birthplace and religious
committments--but at this point that would be like King Canute telling the
breakers to recede at just the right moment...)
Any way, my Inner Polyanna (whom I have nicknamed Zoe w/the two dots over the
"e") has got the better of Ebenezer (my gloomy Inner Puritan). Perhaps because
Nate Silver, cold-eyed statistician of,, has indicated there's a good
chance the Democrats could recapture the House in 2012.
P.S. I should add that the name "Zoe" has nothing to do with Zooey Deschanel or
the Zooey of *Franny and Zooey*--although both the singer and the book are among
my favorites.
P.P.S. Considering the efficacy of my geas it would be wise to avoid messing
with *moi.*
P.P.P.S. I know it's too early to be thinking about 2016, but I believe I will
be ambulatory and reasonably sound of body (all things considered), and as sane
as I've always been--therefore, I will continue to think about Alan Grayson.
The man is an Ivy Leaguer with a working-class background who made his own
millions. He has something of a specialty with gerontological issues. He has
five children. I have no doubt he will have to trim his sails some, but he has
spoken truth to power. He is Jewish. In 2016, after Obama, I feel that it is
possible that is a fact that will actually work for him politically--which is to
say that most or all of his enemies on that basis will be the the *right*
And if there be bimbos in the woodwork, let them come forth now and be explained
or otherwise be brushed aside as "old news." But please. Not while his wife is
sick with some dire illness.
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