On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Roy Griffin <roygg9@yahoo.com> wrote:
I had vaguely heard of this, but didn't know anything about it. I saw that my
daughter had started watching it on my netflix streaming account & decided to
try it out. Perhaps y'all are already familiar with it but my first impression
was that this was a hoot. This show has the same kind of zany & shameless gags
a bit like Scrubs--but there's a lot of clear satire about evil corporations
that appeals to us highly moral & political junkie types...the satire also
provides a thread to hang the gags on...
(I can't fault zany & perhaps rather stoopid gag shows like *Scrubs* for being
what they are--I laugh at the gags sometimes, but I can rarely sit through a
whole show. The show exists for the sake of the gags and it becomes somewhat
like what W.H. Auden said about the *Importance of Being Earnest*--a sort of
spoken word-only opera--except with *Scrubs it's an opera of spoken-word cum
sight gags--and perhaps it's not quite as brilliant as Oscar Wilde's play.)
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