Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Make It Stop...

The rain of chickensh*t from the Far Right seems relentless--even after the Reign of Chickensh*t (i.e. the Bush Administration) is over.  Even uber-conservative Grover Norquist doesn't agree with this attitude--(& it's a very odd feeling to find yourself in agreement with Grover Norquist).  

I myself worry about stepping out into the yard and being bitten by a copperhead.  Or attacked by a rabid pit bull.  It could happen. 

Rep. Shadegg Suggests Mayor Bloomberg's Daughter Will Be "Kidnapped" By A Terrorist

by Matt Finkelstein

Despite the fear-mongering of many conservatives, the Obama administration's decision to prosecute five alleged 9/11 conspirators in New York City has the backing of Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  "It is fitting that 9/11 suspects face justice near the World Trade Center site where so many New Yorkers were murdered," Bloomberg said last week, noting that the city has "hosted terrorism trials before."

However, a far-right congressman from the other side of the country doesn't appreciate Bloomberg's confidence in New Yorkers.  Speaking on the House floor last night, Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) went after Bloomberg personally, suggesting that the mayor's daughter could be "kidnapped at school by a terrorist" because of the trial:

SHADEGG: I saw the Mayor of New York said today, "We're tough. We can do it."Well, Mayor, how are you going to feel when it's your daughter that's kidnapped at school by a terrorist? How are you going to feel when it's some clerk -- some innocent clerk of the court -- whose daughter or son is kidnapped?  Or the jailer's little brother or little sister? This is political correctness run amok.    



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