In a time of great fiscal stress, White also managed the budget in Houston with such proficiency that few or no major cuts in services occurred.
I'm thinking he may be the most viable candidate for major office that the Democrats have had in a while.
He had planned to run for the Senate, but now he is deliberating about running for Governor.
I will now channel George Bush (the little one): My gut tells me that White has a better shot at Governor than he does at Senator 'cuz Gov. Goodhair is so unloved in quite a few quarters. But Senator would be a more important post for him to hold. The Governor's power in Texas is more a matter of bully pulpit than it is vested executive authority. But then 80%+ margins suggest a certain amount of charisma--either that or an incredible degree of rationality amongst the citizens of Houston. Anything is possible, I guess (I lived in Houston as a youth & while I was not too conscious of local politics, I recall them as being as opaque and chaotic as any anywhere).
But the idea of even a moderate centrist & technocratic Senator from Texas who is also a Democrat is pretty exciting. His opponent, Cornyn, is not well loved in many circles either, but Cornyn has a solid core of supporters behind him and he is also politically more savy than many of those who hold to his extreme views...
I dunno. I welcome comments as long as they don't hurt my feelings.