Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some news continues to be good...

Senator Jeff Sessions, Rethug from Alabama, sez he is open to a gay or pro-choice Supreme Court nominee.  Senator John Thune, Rethug from one of the Dakotas, sez that's a "bridge too far."  Sessions, of course, is a lying sack of sh*t.  If he isn't in this case, it's because he's realized it's ultimately more important to pander to the money boys of the Rethug party than it is to the social conservatives, i.e., he might support a gay, pro-choice nominee to the Supreme Court provided he or she is a follower of Ayn Rand and wants to put the country on the gold standard.   But I am enjoying the spectacle of these conflicting Rethug pronouncements.   You would think that some political consultant would have told them not to gear up to opposing Obama's choice of Supreme Court nominee until he had named one.  It only solidifies their image as the Party of No.   If S.L.A. Marshall is right that discipline is something that arises out of
morale, then the Rethugs have a gaping wound in their esprit de corps.

In other news,  Specter has reportedly flipped again on  EFCA.  I am lacking in trust though it would be the smartest thing for him to do politically & Specter always seems to do the smartest thing for himself politically--after huffing and puffing a lot about doing the Right and Principled Thing..
Pelosi is going to continue to push for both the Health Plan & cap & trade despite pressure from the Blue Dogs    I would really like something more Draconian than "cap & trade" but I reckon that's just my Inner Stalinist talking--not that Stalin ever gave a flip about the environment. 

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